Safety fundraiser at Save-on-Foods

C.O.R.E.Y. educating youth



By Devyn Ens

Save-on-Foods will be hosting a month long fundraiser for the C.O.R.E.Y. Ride and Drive Safe motorcycle safety initiative.

C.O.R.E.Y., which stands for Coalition of Riders Educating Youth, was started by Denise Lodge, after her son Corey died in a motorcycle crash less than 24 hours after receiving his learners license and purchasing a motorcycle.

Lodge has made it her mission to properly educate people about motorcycle safety, and has developed a powerpoint presentation with Road Safety BC, which is an introduction to safer motorcycling. She has given it to schools in Kitimat, Terrace, and Prince Rupert.

“Many other provinces have mandatory training so you can’t go on the road until you have some training”, Lodge explained.

She’s hoping to raise enough money that the presentation can be given in schools across the north.

“There is no training involved (in getting a motorcycle learners license). You can just go write your exam….and then you can hop on your bike as long as you have a supervisor, and all that person has to do is see you,” she said.

“There’s no communication between you and the bike rider.”

Save-on-Foods will be holding a raffle from June 1 to 30, with the chance to win 50,000 More Rewards points, with a donation to the fundraiser. The draw date will be July 1.

The store will also be having an event on June 11 and 12 from 11 a.m. to 4p.m., with food, musicians, a cartoonist, and a walk-through of the presentation.


Culled from Northern Sentinel Wednesday, June 8, 2016 Vol 62 No. 23