Road Safety BC


July 18, 2016                                                                                Reference No.  516977


To Whom It May Concern:


This letter is to verify that RoadSafetyBC has been working with Denise Lodge on the development and delivery of the Coalition of Riders Educating Youth (C.O.R.E.Y) presentation for schools.


There were 8 presentations that took place in Kitimat, Terrace and Prince Rupert in February 2016, sharing the information with approximately 920 students.



I would like to thank Denise for her continued contribution in keeping British Columbia’s roads safe.




Yours sincerely,



Steven Roberts

Deputy Superintendent of Motor Vehicles



Ministry of               RoadSafetyBC                      PO Box 9254 Stn Prov Gov   Telephone: (250) 387-7747

Public Safety and<1/RoadSafetyBC   Victoria BC VSW 9J2             Facsimile: (250) 356-5577

Solicitor General



School District #82 (Coast Mountains)


 1491 Kingfisher Avenue    Kitimat, B.C.  V8C 1E9          Tel. (250)632-6174     Fax 1-888-539-4732



July 27, 2016

To whom it may concern,

Corey was a former student of Mt. Elizabeth and after he graduated he moved to Vancouver Island.  This is where he purchased his first motorcycle.  Unfortunately Corey was in a tragic accident which took his life.  Corey’s mother, Denise Lodge, has been working diligently on a presentation to share Corey’s story to help the youth of our communities.   She is currently sharing this story with schools in Northwest BC and would like to share it with the rest of the province through our schools.  The more information our youth have about safety of motorcycles the better, even if it saves one life, this presentation is worth viewing.

This past school year (2015-2016) our school hosted the C.O.R.E.Y. Drive and Ride Safe presentation.  The presentation is well worth the time for young adolescents to see, it is informative and well-done that keeps the students’ attention for the whole hour.

Yours truly,


Dan Striker

Vice Principal

Mount Elizabeth Middle Secondary School

Kitimat, BC

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

                                  Security Classification/Designation



Staff Sergeant James McLaren Detachment Commander RCMP

888 Lahakas Blvd                                                                                                                Your File

Kitimat BC V8C 2H9                                                                                                            Our File





To Whom It May Concern,

C.O.R.E.Y Ride and Drive Safe Motorcycle Safety Presentation


I am writing this letter in support of the C.O.R.E.Y Ride and Drive Safe presentation designed and presented by Denise Lodge of Kitimat, BC.


Ms. Lodge has done this presentation to two high schools in Kitimat. In preparation for the presentation she has partnered with the Government of BC and the RCMP.  The information contained in the presentation informative, relevant and powerful.  The presentation itself is captivating and dynamic.  In the Kitimat schools, it was very well received.


In working with Denise Lodge, her professionalism and dedication to the C.0.R.E.Y. program is unquestionable. Kitimat Detachment fully supports the continuance and if possible expansion of C.0.R.E.Y Ride and Drive Safe program.  I look forward to working with Ms. Lodge in the future.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 250-632-7111.





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Coast Mountains Board of Education


August 25, 2016


To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this letter as a recommendation for and an endorsement of the C.O.R.E.Y. Ride & Drive Safe Program.

Coast Mountains School District 82 hosted this program in our Middle/Secondary Schools as part of our social and emotional life skills program.   Health and well-being as well as safety are an important part of this program and the presentation by Ms. Lodge addressed the area or road and driving safety in a way that really “struck home” for our students.

Ms. Lodge’s presentation is particularly effective in that it is a B.C. story told by a mother who was directly affected by the loss of her son in a vehicle accident.  The story could be one from any family, the mother anyone’s mother, and the students could identify with the victim in that he was an average young man with friends, an interest in sports, and a promising future ahead of him.

It is with no hesitation that I recommend this program for any group of adolescent students.  It carries an important message for our young people in a way that they can identify with.  The safety of our young people is everyone’s responsibility.



Agnes Casgrain

Director of Instruction

Coast Mountains SD 82